Nashville Number Charts by David Reuter
Here’s a look at some Nashville Number System Charts for songs that I've Co-Written at Big Tent Nashville with different writing teams.
Traditionally, Nashville Number System Charts are used by music producers, engineers and musicians at recording sessions so that songs can be tracked quickly and creatively. They’re also used at rehearsals, live shows, auditions, songwriting sessions or wherever music is played. These little charts are a very concise way of indicating Key, Tempo, Feel, Chord Changes, Inversions, Time Signature, Dynamics, Stops, Kicks, Extra Beats, Durations, Odd Measures, Anticipations (Pushes), Sections, Repeats, Endings etc., for musicians.
There is no “One Way” to write out a Nashville Number System Chart because every arranger has their own “Personal Style” of notating Music. There are lots of very good books and videos on the internet that teach the basics of Music Theory and that explain many different ways to write these charts out.
At some point as a musician, we all have to learn how to HEAR chord changes. In addition, if you want to communicate what you’re hearing to other musicians, then it’s important to learn about music notation. The Nashville Number System is just one of many music notation systems and it’s a GREAT place to start if you want to combine learning ear training and music theory.
Practical ear training, which is ear training for working musicians, does NOT need to be complex and neither does practical music theory. Every Key has chords that are completely symmetrical to all the other Keys. Every Key also has chromatic notes that are completely symmetrical to all the other Keys. So, if you learn one key, you can easily learn them all in few minutes with a simple understanding of sharps and flats.
With a little practice, anyone can learn to hear notes, hear chord progressions, understand music theory and write out Nashville Number System Charts.
I like to keep my number charts simple so that musicians can read through them as quickly as possible. I try to limit my charts to a single sheet of paper because I want the FORM of the song to be visible with quick glance. I don’t normally use symbols like D.C., D.S., D.S. al Coda and Codas on my number charts because they can tend to clutter things up too much.
Personally, I love the daily discipline of transcribing music directly from recordings. Transcribing helps me to get my day off to a solid start and it also helps me keep my hands and ears in shape and my listening skills current to what’s going on in the marketplace. I like to listen to hit songs, new songs, album cuts, obscure songs, pop songs, country songs, rock songs etc., and pick something to transcribe and write out Nashville Number System Charts to that soon. I’ll study the chord progressions, the arrangement, the FORM and I’ll pick-up an instrument an play along with the to recording so that I can internalize the music. I ALWAYS learn something new from every song that I transcribe and from every Nashville Number System Chart that I write out by hand.
I hope you enjoy a quick look at my number charts and the notes I’ve included. I’m always adding to this page so please stop-by again to check-out my new songs. I like to consider these Charts as little works of “Fine Art” and as collector items so that’s why I save them from the shredder.
A Road The County Never Paved is a new song that I Co-Wrote with Kristen Parisi and Cody Walden. This song should be ready for release sometime in 2023.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger
EVERYTHING I’M NOT is a new song that I Co-Wrote with Kristen Parisi. This song should be ready for release sometime in 2023.
If you’d like to listen to this song now and follow along with this chart and hear the Acoustic Guitar Part that I came up with for the Work Tape, just click HERE and it will take you over our Big Tent Website where you can hear our Work Tape.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger
Wishin’ On A Car is one of my favorite songs and I never get tired of playing it live here in Nashville with Kristen Parisi and her band. Cody Walden brought this song idea to our writing session and we wrote it with Kristen in one session. It’s always uplifting for a writing team when a new song fall-out like that easily.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Produced and Recorded by Siena Loren at The Dark Matter Laboratory for her 2021 EP TOO FAR DOWN.
Here’s a look at “The Nashville Number System” Chart for NO CLOSER TO HEAVEN that I Co-Wrote at Big Tent Nashville with Songwriter Kristen Parisi. Because of COVID 19, we were not able to perform this song live (except on Live “Streams”) so it’s still waiting for its “Debut” in front of a real audience.
I was HONORED to play Acoustic Guitar on this Recording and you can click HERE to listen to NO CLOSER TO HEAVEN on SPOTIFY.
Nashville Number System Charts by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Rehearsing Songs
“Behind The Scenes” at Big Tent Nashville rehearsing songs with a Writing Team and Artist. This is very typical day at the office. Lots of Nashville Number System Charts spread out on the floor and Artists singing their original songs.
Nashville Number System Charts by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Co-Written at at Big Tent Nashville by Ava Paige, Kristen Parisi and David Reuter
Click HERE to listen to BACK PORCH HALLELUJA on Soundcloud.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Fingerpicking - Nashville Number System
A little “Behind The Scenes” Fingerpicking on a song I Co-Wrote with Kristen Parisi called HEADED THE RIGHT WAY.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Co-Written at Big Tent Nashville by, Taylor Marie Wagner, Kristen Parisi and David Reuter
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Co-Written at Big Tent Nashville by Maggie Thompson, Taylor Marie Wagner, Kristen Parisi and David Reuter.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
SWERVE uses a DROP D tuning on Guitar and you can see from the Chart that this song has gone through a lot of revisions. A song can change a lot if makes it out of a writing session and onto a stage or into a recording session and SWERVE is a good example of that. We changes in FORM, the Tempo, added Inversions and Dynamics and more. It’s one of my Favorite Songs that I’m a Co-Writer on and I’ve backed-up Kristen Parisi many times live at writers rounds in Nashville and at Songwriter Festivals and at rehearsals on this song.
I Co-Wrote SWERVE at Big Tent Nashville with Molly Bowers with Kristen Parisi.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Recording Session
Reading through a Nashville Number System Chart getting ready to Track a Guitar Part.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Co-Written at Big Tent Nashville by Kristen Parisi and David Reuter
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Tennessee Orange
Using my Pedal Train so that Siena Loren can hear different sounds for a song she’s Producing at The Dark Matter Laboratory. Normally, I wear a Red Big Tent Nashville but that day I had on an Orange University of Tennessee Hat because my Daughter Dominique went to College there.
Number System Charts by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger at Big Tent Nashville.
At 162 BPM this is a Rockin’ Up=Tempo song that I Co=Wrote with Drummer Megan Richardson and Kristen Parisi.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Here’s a look at a new song that Co-Wrote with Cody Walden at Big Tent Nashville called Lucky Enough. Cody and I have written a lot of songs together and we’re planning to release this in 2022 to showcase his unique Writing and Artistry.
It’s always fun for us to do “Full Productions” of his songs but that takes a lot of time, so we’re trying to “Keep Things Simple” as a writing team and track Guitar / Vocals of our songs and release “Songwriter Versions” to streaming platforms. We’re looking forward to sharing this song with everyone soon.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
“Signing The Board”
We have a tradition at Big Tent Nashville of having the Artist we’re writing with “Sign The Board” after they’ve finish writing their first song with us. Here’s a little behind the scenes look at Ava Paige “Signing The Board” and a glance at The Nashville Number System Chart that I wrote out after Ava finished writing her first song with Kristen Parisi and me.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
“BEHIND THE SCENES” After a Writing Session, I like to write out a “Nashville Number Chart” for the New Song and then track an Acoustic Guitar part to a click track. Next, the Artist will record their Scratch Vocals and the Producer bounce out a rough mix and Drop Box it to everyone on the writing team. The lyrics to the new song were written on Google Docs, so all the writers already have access to them. I also like to have all the writers Autograph my Number Chart and I add it to my collection. Thank You Kristen Parisi, Abby Hennigan and Chloe Copoloff for a GREAT Writing Session. It’s an Honor for me to have my name next to yours on our song TERRIFIED
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
This is the Original Nashville Number Chart for OLD SCHOOL KINDA LOVE. Written at Big Tent Nashville by Kristen Parisi, David Reuter and Canadian Artist Emily Clair.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Nashville Number System Chart for a New Song by Cody Walden, Kristen Parisi and David Reuter. Produced by Siena Loren.
Click HERE to listen to JUST A NUMBER now on SPOTIFY.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
“Behind The Scenes” with Songwriter Kristen Parisi picking out Nashville Number System Charts before a Sound Check.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
I write a lot of Songs and I write out a lot of Nashville Number System Charts.
These Nashville Number System Charts are completely different than the “Music Nomenclature” Horn Charts that I learned how to write at The Berklee College of Music in Boston but I think there is a real Beauty and Elegance to these little gems.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Co-Writing Session
It’s ALWAYS an Honor for me to Co-Write a new song at Big Tent Nashville with one of our writing teams. Music, Lyrics and a Nashville Number System Chart are always part of the process.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Nashville Number System - Big Tent Nashville
Producer Siena Loren at Big Tent Nashville enjoying a Cup of DAVIDs TEA while reviewing Nashville Number System Charts.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
First In Her Class
Here’s a look at the Nashville Number System chart for a New Song that I Co-Wrote at Big Tent Nashville with Kristen Parisi. Looking forward to recording FIRST IN HER CLASS.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Nashville Number System - Songs Waiting their turn to be Recorded at Big Tent Nashville
Songwriters write A LOT songs here in Nashville every day and many just “Hang Around” and never get recorded. New songs are often played live a “Writers Rounds” at different venues around Nashville and most songs get recorded as simple work tapes on cell phones. Often, they’re never played again after a writing session because the songwriters move on to their next writing appointment to write their next song. Unless someone on the writing team believes in that song, it’s lost or forgotten not long after the writing session. That’s one of the realities of songwriting.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Nashville Number System - Warming Up
Getting ready for a songwriting session at Big Tent Nashville. I have everything I need, Coffee, Guitar, Computer, Co-Writer Big Tent Hat and Nashville Number System Charts. Yes, I always sit on the floor and Yes, I always sit in that position.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Pawn Shop Heart
Occasionally, my son Chris Reuter joins us for writing sessions at Big Tent Nashville. Here’s a look at the Nashville Number System Chart for PAWN SHOP HEART that we Co-Wrote with Kristen Parisi.
This is a very unique song about a Heart that is sitting on a shelf in a Pawn Shop. It hasn’t been recorded yet but hopefully this Heart will find a home someday with the right Artist.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Recording a Scratch Bass Part
We always like to try to capture a quick recording of our songs at the end of a writing session while the Artist is still in the room to track a “Scratch Vocal” at Big Tent Nashville
I’m just sitting on the floor with my Epiphone Thunderbird IV Bass using a Nashville Number System Chart to work-out a “Scratch Bass Part” for the recording.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
A NEW CHRISTMAS SONG - Nashville Number System Chart
This is what most of my Co-Writing Sessions look like at Big Tent Nashville. Nothing too Glamorous, just a Guitar for the Music, a Pen and Paper to sketch-out a Nashville Number System Chart as the song develops, my Lap Top Computer to work on the Lyrics with a Google Doc and me sitting on the floor.
Today, I Co-Wrote with Taylor Marie Wagner, Kristen Parisi. We started the session with a rehearsal of one of our songs that Taylor id planning to perform live in Las Vegas. Then, we recorded some scratch guitar parts and after that we had WAY TOO MUCH FUN laughing and writing a new Christmas Song that we’re hoping to have placed in a 2022 Hallmark Christmas Movie !!! Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
The Latest Wave
I performed this song at least a hundred times with The Kristen Parisi Band and it’s a a FUN Rockin’ Song to Play Live. We never recorded this one for some reason but it’s a Great Up-Tempo song that I’m sure will find a home someday with an Artist.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Picking Songs To Rehearse
Looking through Nashville Number System Charts before a rehearsal. I like to keep individual binders for the Artists I work with so that I can keep track of their Charts. There’s nothing like paying attention to the details and to the little things.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
The Right Time
This song “The Right Time” was recorded and released by Canadian Artist Graham Bedard.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Recording Session
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Always Wanna Feel That Way
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Breakin’ In
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Caught In The Middle
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Roses Stay Red
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Pulling Charts Getting Ready For a Rehearsal
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Backstage Set-List
There’s always A LOT of “Hidden Work” as a Musician / Songwriter / Guitarist. I remember that this photo was taken at Blue Bar & Rack Room in Nashville. That was a fun “Songwriter Venue” to play at and to try-out a new song. Here I’m going through Charts with Kristen Parisi putting together a Set-List and getting ready to Warm-Up.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Goodwill Jeans
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Empty Pockets
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
More Like It
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Coffee and Charts - Rehearsing Songs
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Ride Him Around
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Show Me Some Speed
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
It Was Worth It
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Close Enough
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Fire Escape Rehearsal
Part of “Backing-Up” an Artist is making sure that their voice is properly warmed-up before any performance. This sounds simple but a lot of times at “Songwriter Venues” there isn’t a Green Room or an Off-Stage Area that dedicated for warming-up instruments, hands and voices. I remember this photo well because it was taken at The Renaissance in Nashville. The stairwell landing I’m sitting on was connected to the parking garage and people would walk-by, then stop listen as the music echoed through the stairwell. I should have left my Guitar Case open and maybe someone would have tossed in $10.00
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
No Closer To Heaven
This song was Recorded and Released on Siena Loren EP.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Set Myself On Fire
Set Myself On Fire by Mary Hiller, Kristen Parisi and David Reuter.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Ava Paige - Nashville Number System Chart
Simply said, this young lady is one of the most Talented and Inspirational Artists I’ve ever worked with. GREAT THINGS ahead for her.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Breakin’ In
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
505 Lincoln Street
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
If All It Takes
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
When Summer Kicks In
A fun “Summer Song” that I Co-Wrote with Ava Paige, and Kristen Parisi.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
First In Her Class
I Co-Wrote this song with Kristen Parisi and we’ve performed in many times together. This song has some very unique lyrics and a beautiful Melody that Kristen wrote.
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Almost Had Everything
One of my Favorite Songs. Co-Written by Kristen Parisi and David Reuter: Almost Had Everything
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Caught In The Middle
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Tobacco Row
Nashville Number System Chart by David Reuter Guitarist / Arranger.
Goodness Gracious
Looking for a 2022 release of this new song that I Co-Wrote with Kristen Parisi and Cody Walden called Goodness Gracious.